Studying the pursuits of your clients is extremely important to your success as a luxury real estate marketing professional. Although this may not apply to all of your clients or to all luxury real estate markets, the quest to possess the finest and the rarest objects in the world is definitely one of the exciting sports of high net worth individuals.
Social networking can put you in touch with like minded people from all corners of the globe. But, there still is something special about meeting new people right in your home town with whom you can share common interests. If you are a lifelong learner blogging also gives you an opportunity to learn new things.
This is particularly so regarding building plots and land and more recently towards agricultural land. With prices of development land being so expensive and with the planning laws allowing the development of a single house just about everywhere, the public's interest has been diverted with an increasing volume towards agricultural land, where prices have shown increases real estate in Marbella. excess of 30% - 50% over the last year alone.
Always real estate development. hire an attorney. It is not true that only an attorney can file paperwork and write up documents. Anybody can be qualified to file on behalf of LLC, and in many cases it is unnecessary to pay attorney fees.
Sugarloaf Foreclosures - The latest Foreclosure report shows 9 Sugarloaf homes that were given "notices of foreclosure" for the January 6th auction. Yes, there are a couple of well-known names on that list. This level of foreclosures is significantly higher than the 2-3 per month that we have seen throughout the year. In addition there are major builders of new homes in real estate company or service. Sugarloaf that had construction loans foreclosed upon by their banks. In 2008, there have been over 40 properties that have been given notices of foreclosure. There are currently 23 properties that are in some active form of foreclosure (from pre-foreclosure to bank-owned status).
Meet Up With them You should have 3-5 agents that you definitely want to work with by just talking on the phone with them. Now it's time to benalus real estate meet up with them to discuss further on what you want from them. When you meet them you can see what kind of person they are and see if they meet the criteria you are looking for. You can also evaluate their character and see how they interact with others in public and maybe even in their office. Try to see if any of these real estate agents have clients or testimonials who can back their word up. Having a real estate agent that's a people person is always a plus.
If you are focusing on a certain market in real estate, your logo design should reflect that. Whether property investment, vacation properties or residences, you have a vital way of communicating to your target client base with your real estate logo. This increases the chances of business coming. Think how your logo design can work for you now, not what it should be in the future.
Dive deeper into the pursuits of your high net worth clients. This is a requirement for those of you who seek to achieve top-of-mind status in your luxury real estate marketplace.